Welcome to STS Ministries! |
Our Mission
Share the Son Ministries (STS) is an evangelical Christian organization with a three-fold mission:
Share the biblical teachings of God, Jesus and the Gospel in a Christ-like manner (e.g. Romans 10:13-15; Mark 16:15-16);
Defend the biblical teachings of God, Jesus and the Gospel in a Christ-like manner (e.g. 1 Peter 3:15; Acts 18:27-28);
Equip others to do the same (e.g. 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 4:11-13).
Based in beautiful Idaho Falls, STS Ministries has a passion for all of the wonderful people who refer to themselves as Latter-day Saints (LDS). This is because southeast Idaho is predominantly LDS with some cities, such as Rexburg (home of BYU-Idaho), being well over ninety-percent LDS by population. To be sure, STS is strategically located so that evangelical Christians and Latter-day Saints might share with and learn from one another.
Our Challenge
Consider the following statistics for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for 2022 (unless otherwise noted):
The mission field for Share the Son Ministries is not limited to southeast Idaho, but is a global concern as these statistics warrant. Our challenge, therefore, is to reach as many Evangelicals and Latter-day Saints as possible through the incredible medium of the Internet. It is our hope and prayer that the STS website will prove to be a goldmine not only of valuable resources and information, but of God's eternal truths.
Our Founder
Share the Son Ministries was founded in 1999 by Mike Ghiglia (Gil-yә). Mike received Jesus Christ as his personal LORD and Savior in 1987 and continued working as a traumatic brain injury rehab therapist in Bakersfield, California until his "call" to the mission field. Ron Vietti, Senior Pastor of Valley Bible Fellowship, ordained Mike's commission.
Being that Mike is an avid fly fisherman, and being that Idaho is renowned for its fly fishing, it was just a matter of time before he took the trip of his life. Ironically, it was Mike who was hooked while fishing Idaho's famed Henry's Fork of the Snake River in June of 1998.

It took a while to reel him in, but the LORD finally landed Mike back in Idaho Falls in February of 1999. Mike spent the next three years developing STS Ministries and working as a part-time clinician to make ends meet. In August of 2002 he made the transition to full-time ministry. Mike, his family and STS Ministries are supported entirely by those who want to see this ministry flourish. Mike is not a former Mormon.